Looking for an ND to join my clinic on a rental basis. I own an independent dental hygiene clinic and I am looking to become an interdisciplinary care team so that I can refer my clients to ND if I see they have chronic inflammatory conditions (which includes gum disease), hormonal conditions, high stress, pregnant or trying to conceive, jaw aches for therapeutic botox. If you’d be interested in renting out a treatment room on a daily or monthly basis and this type of practice suits you, please contact me, Bobbie Gill, at 604-780-6285 or email me at info@polisheddentalhygiene.ca I am a new practice and continuing to grow my client basis so this could help out both parties along with our clients!! My clinic is located at 506 – 550 W Broadway (Broadway and Cambie).
ND Wanted: West Broadway
ND Wanted: West Broadway
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