BINM Event Sponsorship Opportunities

Another opportunity to support BINM and get information to the students, faculty and alumni about your products and services is through event sponsorship. We host a number of events throughout the year, and as a not-for-profit, we are always extremely grateful for any support we can get from the community.

How does event sponsorship benefit you?
All BINM events (with the exception of the graduation celebration) are exclusive sponsorship opportunities and allow the sponsor to put their name on the event. Sponsors are welcome to display any banners or posters they wish during the event. Additionally, sponsors are invited to attend the event and pass out information about their products and services to the attendees. Finally, sponsors will be named on all pre-event advertising and will be thank through our website and all of our Social Media channels following the event. By providing your sponsorship you receive a wonderful opportunity to educate people about your products and services as well as create brand recognition within our community and our supporters.

The following event sponsorship opportunities are available every year:

  • Welcome Back Party: Hosted each year in September to welcome the students back from summer break. This is the first opportunity of the year for students, staff and faculty to connect with one another in a more casual and relaxed atmosphere. This event is also an opportunity for administration to make important announcements.
  • Holiday Celebration Week: Hosted each year in December this is a weeklong event that takes place over the lunch hour and features a variety of activities such as a gingerbread house contest, a performance by the Boucher choir and gift exchanges just to name a few. At the end of the week we also host an afternoon ugly sweater party in conjunction with the student association. In addition to the weeklong festivities each year, BINM also gives back to the community through charitable activities.
  • Power Up Mingler: The second semester of each year is always the hardest for our students because it is the only semester of the year where they don’t get a break part way through. In order to encourage their ongoing efforts and keep them motivated, our Student Services Department hosts a lunch time mingler with appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages. This helps give the students the extra boost they need to get through the semester!
  • BBQ & Soccer Tournament: As the weather starts to get nicer in May, BINM hosts a soccer tournament and BBQ. Students, staff, faculty and alumni are encouraged to participate in this event. This is a great opportunity for everyone to get outside, get some fresh air and physical activity and reconnect with one another.
  • Patient Appreciation Week: Our clinic’s annual Patient Appreciation Week takes place during Naturopathic Medicine Week and is an opportunity for our students to thank the patients for continuing to visit the clinic. Without these patients, the students would not be able to complete their education. Invitations are sent out to approximately 400 patients asking them to join us for the event and receive free wellness exams, mingle and have snacks with the doctors and student interns, receive free samples and prizes and bring their friends and family along for discounted appointments.
  • Year End Celebration & Talent Show: Hosted in June by the Marketing Department in conjunction with the student association, this event is an opportunity for students, staff, faculty and alumni to wrap up the school year by connecting with one another one last time. This is also an opportunity for everyone to showcase their talents in our Talent Show. Every year we see a number of great acts and everyone has a wonderful time.
  • Graduation Celebration: Each year a group of dedicated graduates puts together a party to celebrate the completion of their studies with their classmates, families and friends. This event is hosted and funded entirely by the students and is a big task for them to take on along with their final year of studies. Any donations that can be given to the students for this event will make their jobs much easier and allow them to move their attention from fundraising to planning an unforgettable event.


Room Naming Opportunities

The Boucher Clinic offers room naming opportunities at a rate of $1500 per annum and interested companies are encouraged to apply. Funds collected through the room naming opportunities go directly to maintaining and updating our clinic facilities. Not only are we a teaching clinic that helps support the education of a large number of future naturopathic doctors; each week the Boucher Clinic sees almost 300 patients, many of whom come from low income families and would not be able to afford Naturopathic Medicine without our promotional and sliding scale pricing.

Companies who sign up for or renew their room naming opportunity along with their sponsorship contract will receive a $300 discount on the room naming rate.

How does a room naming opportunity benefit you?

Room naming gets you instant brand recognition with our student, faculty and patients. Anyone who walks through our clinic will see your name and logo, and will in turn remember your name when they are evaluating products and services for their clinic. Marketing experts say people have to see something at least seven times before they fully commit it to memory, and room naming gives you that opportunity. In fact, students and faculty who come to the clinic on a regular basis will see your name and logo at least 100 times in a year.


Advertising Opportunities in Student Newsletter “Natural Selections”

Effective fall 2016 we will be re-launching out student run newsletter “Natural Selections”. The publication is written, edited and managed by a group of dedicated student in conjunction with the Marketing Department. The newsletter is designed to inform the public about naturopathic medicine, the Boucher Clinic, and the great work being done by staff, faculty and students at BINM. Distributed seasonally four times a year “Natural Selections” will be emailed to our mailing list which includes 1500 recipients, our alumni as well as all of our students, staff and faculty. Every issue will also be posted on our website.

BINM sponsors are invited to advertise in our publication. Advertising sizes and pricing are as follows:

Advertising Size

    Advertising Specs    Per Issue Price    4 issue package
Business Card3.5” x 2”, full colour$425


Postcard4” x 4”$500



Space is limited in each issue so if please reserve your spot ASAP.